

NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest ‘chronic’ factor in New York City’s hospitalizations

Hello My Dr Fat Loss Family,

What do you think are the biggest risk factors for COVID-19 hospitalizations?

Doctors at NYU Langone Health center conducted the largest study so far of US hospital admissions for COVID-19, focused on New York City. They found obesity, along with age, was the biggest deciding factor in hospital admissions, which may suggest the role of hyper-inflammatory reactions that can happen in those with the disease.

  • In the largest study so far of US hospital admissions for COVID-19, researchers found that obesity was the single biggest chronic risk factor for admission, ahead of heart and lung diseases. 
  • Age remained the biggest predictor overall that someone was admitted to the hospital. 
  • Earlier research and anecdotes have suggested that America’s obesity epidemic could make the coronavirus pandemic more complicated and, some predicted, deadlier. 
  • While weight and BMI are imperfect metrics of health, there are physiological reasons why excess body fat can complicate the respiratory illness. 

Even though we can not control risk factors like heart disease, lung disease or our age, we can alter our BMI with lifestyle changes and food choices.

I wanted to let you know that my team and I are always available for you and your family. If there is anything I can do to serve you and help you just let me know by clicking the button below. Dana will gladly schedule a phone consultation with me personally for you and/or a loved one at ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE. This is our gift to you.

Always here for you, stay safe & healthy.


-Dr Ferdico & The Dr Fat Loss Team.

Tiernan Ray, “Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest ‘chronic’ factor in New York City’s hospitalizations, April 12, 2020, https://www.zdnet.com/article/nyu-scientists-largest-u-s-study-of-covid-19-finds-obesity-the-single-biggest-factor-in-new-york-critical-cases/

Anna Medaris Miller, “Obesity is the biggest factor driving New York City’s coronavirus hospitalizations after age!” Business Insider, April 14th, 2020, https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-obesity-top-factor-after-age-driving-nyc-hospitalization-2020-4

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