


Greg T: Ladies and Gentleman, it is the one, the only Dr. Fat Loss in the house!

Greg T: Thank you very much Dr. Fat Loss for being a part of this.

Dr Fat Loss: Thank you, I’m honored and privileged to be here.

Greg T: So, let me just tell you a little bit of a backstory here. I went to see my real physician and we had some blood work done like you always do when you get your yearly check-ups and we sat down one on one, across from his desk and he said, hey listen, you are numbers are not good. Your cholesterol is high, you’re pre-diabetic, your salt levels are up. He’s like, everything about your blood came back in a negative way. You’re overweight, you smoke so it’s up to you do you want to live to see 60 years old or do you want to just live like you’re getting ready to die.

That was an eye-opener for me, I was very shocked at what I heard.  I never thought I would ever going to hear that. Yeah, I noticed I was a little overweight but I want to take, hey, nobody’s telling me about it so I guess I can’t be that overweight.

So, finally when he opened my eyes to it I went home and talk to my wife and I said, Trish, have you been lying to me? Am I overweight?
And she actually said, okay yes a little bit you’re overweight. So, I said alright fine. So we knew that iHeartRadio had a great friend in Dr. fat loss and I know that my good friend Skeery Jones over at Z100 had worked on your program for several years and he had lost a tremendous amount of weight. So, I was really impressed. So, I came down to Brooklyn went to your offices I got you got a chance to really sit down and to have a heart to heart. A one on one with you and I got on your program.

So, Dr Fat Loss, I want to say thank you because I am here to tell you within 43 days, I lost 26 pounds. It was not easy for me, I’m not a guy that like to be on a diet but I did it and it really is all to you and I want to say thank you very much.

Dr Fat Loss: You’re very welcome Greg T, as I said before, it’s definitely about taking you to an optimum level of health, not only for yourself but for your wife, Trish, and for your two daughters, being that I am a father 3 daughters. We do want to be healthy, we do want to have a quality of life and we do want to live long. You’re very welcome but it’s what I do everyday, it’s my passion to get up every day and changes and save people’s lives and it’s exciting for me practicing for over 30 years and get to do what fulfills my heart and really make a difference people’s eyes. Again, not only for themselves but for their families and for their friends and their co-workers it really makes a big difference.

Greg T- Dr. Fat Loss, yeah he’s got a catchy name, Dr Fat Loss, but he’s been in the business now for over 30 years. This is a man that knows exactly what talking about. He didn’t just start this practice yesterday. He’s not new at all this, he’s not just saying hey let’s just try it and see if it works. This is a man that KNOWS what works. This is a man that’s already been tried and true and proven.

Dr Fat Loss:  So, yes it’s actually what we call a life-changing healthy transformation fat loss program. The reason why we say “fat loss” is because well, first of all out probably the only person that is science-based, science backs it up and that’s extremely important because a lot of people make statements about their products or their program but we’re the only program that literally has science behind our program. 

Greg T:  Tell people who you told me, you said you may hear how these other programs and they tell you this much weight but what are they really doing. Tell him everything…

Dr Fat Loss: So, yeah, the other thing is… the reason why we call it a life-changing health transformation fat loss… because unfortunately all these programs that people do, they losing water weight. 

Greg T: Water weight

Dr Fat Loss: Yes, water weight. You have to lose fat not water weight. You’re not going to change somebody’s life. You’re not going to get rid of that blood pressure, that cholesterol, that diabetes, it just doesn’t work. Listen by the way, I used to be 258 lbs about 14 years ago, I get out of 167 I presently about 165, 167 no blood pressure, no cholesterol, no more pre-diabetes.

Greg T: …and you feel healthy right?

Dr Fat Loss: I feel healthy, I feel like I could walk through a wall.

Greg T: I couldn’t believe it, when I came to see you, I have to admit, when I left, I was still a little hesitant like is this really going to work.  I couldn’t believe how fast it actually hit me in that I started working like within a couple of days. I don’t know maybe like 5 days. I’m already seeing a transformation and I thought come on this can’t be true and I really was impressed and then it happened. So, Trish my wife she actually was sitting there across the table from me and she started laughing and I say what are you laughing at. And she goes Ok, look. I’m going to be honest, I can actually see in your face and it’s only been 5 days. I can see it in your face that you’ve already lost weight.  And we were laughing at the table and then my daughter said, I saw it too on Daddy’s face.

Dr Fat Loss: It’s so exciting, it just emotionally, mentally, physically transforms people. When they start getting healthier and they start feeling and looking better. 

Listen, the only reason you start to feel better, right…  just want to feel good, I just want to feel like myself again. What you really are you really telling me, I need to get healthy cuz when you’re a healthier, you have better circulation you absorb nutrients, you’re going to feel better, you’re going to feel better. When you look better, you just feel better about yourself right. It’s all one thing, emotionally, mentally, physically. It’s bringing the brain and the body and your whole emotionally, mental being together as one. 

Greg T:  Prior to meeting Dr. Fat Loss, I was again, I was no Adonis,  but I didn’t think I was completely out of shape. I had run and completed 3 New York City marathons, now why I stopped condition myself, I’ll never know maybe we’ll just laziness all the sudden…

Dr. Fat Loss: Can I interrupt you?

Greg T:  Go ahead yeah!

Dr. Fat Loss: This is so important. So, the thing is when you start having high blood pressure, high cholesterol, either pre-diabetic or diabetic, well you are really extremely unhealthy, right? But we don’t see it because we see ourselves from many years ago. 

Greg T: You are so right 

Dr Fat Loss:
But the point of the matter is, is that what people don’t really understand is that what makes this program so different…  And the reason why, say why I don’t understand how this all just accumulated… Well, it’s not really a fault. Let me tell you what happens is. What we do in the program and I’ll back into is we pull out those toxins, we pull out the fat, you got to get the body healthy, right? You got to bounce the chemistry and the hormones of the body. You got to get the body healthy, you got to get into a fat burning zone in order to reset a new metabolism. The biggest problem that people don’t understand is that fat literally attaches and binds on to toxins in the body, you understand? So it’s not really a fat problem. It’s a toxicity problem. And how do we get toxins things we think through drink Preserve is pesticides, all the all those impurities that get into the body that are very harmful to the body, the fat actually binds on to them to protect them against the organs and so it really not your fault as we get older them a lot more accumulation of toxins, impurities, bacteria, viruses, fat attached to them, stores, stores them in their fat, so that they don’t get into your organs. You are so people don’t get upset at yourself. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourselves. It’s a toxicity problem. You can eat healthy. I get this all the time I eat healthy and work out and do all the right yes, I keep on gaining weight. It’s like it doesn’t stop. I said

Greg T:
oh, I’m gonna go to the gym next week. And then I wouldn’t go all go the gym next week. I wouldn’t go so I wanted to say to you that I literally just got a chance to go back to the back to the gym two weeks ago. First time I walked in, and there’s a trainer that I used to know he’s still there and he goes where the hell have you been? I didn’t have the balls to tell him dude, I got lazy, I got fat. I have the balls to tell him I was embarrassed. I love my new self. I want to say thank you that you cared about me that you thought about me you don’t start to fat loss does and I’m gonna I’m gonna call you out. He texts you. He used to text me in the middle of the day. How are you doing? What are you up to? How’s the weight loss going? Like I really do. I appreciate when you did that to me.

Dr Fat Loss
Again, when you come from the heart with love and you take care of people like there your family, I just want to bring this point up, you got to understand that there are stress on this that are known as the adrenal glands that sit above the kidneys that produce a hormone known as cortisol.

Greg T:
I want to know about that.

Dr Fat Loss
Cortisol is a fat hormone.

Greg T

Dr Fat Loss
So this pandemic, stress or this emotion mental.

Greg T
And I got a lot of that.

Dr Fat Loss
Everyone does. Those adrenal glands start producing cortisol people stop blowing up. Again, so between that and toxicity, guess what your obesity factor is off the chart and if you don’t do something about it, you become part of statistics.

Greg T
I listen to one thing my friends asked me all the time they go come on man, you’re not eating that’s why you’re losing weight because you don’t eat. That is not the truth. That is such a terrible thing to say to somebody because on Dr. Fat Loss Program, you’re eating, you’re eating a ton.

Dr Fat Loss
You’re eating real food. You’re eating protein. That was the fruits. There’s no shots. There’s no Surgery. There’s no drugs. You’re eating all real food.

Greg T
Let me ask you can I eat steak on your program?

Dr Fat Loss

Greg T
Can I have fish on your program?

Dr Fat Loss

Greg T
Can I have chicken on your program?

Dr Fat Loss

Greg T
How about fruit can I have orange your program?

Dr Fat Loss
You can have tons of fruits.

Greg T
Watermelon, Strawberries?

Dr Fat Loss
Watermelon, Strawberries. You have vegetables.

Greg T

Dr Fat Loss
You can have Broccoli. You can have Broccoli for lunch if you want it. It’s all real food. That’s what very very very important understand. So you could still go to a restaurant. It’s all real food.

Greg T
Now let me ask you can I have m&ms and a chocolate chip cookie?

Dr Fat Loss
No, you can’t be going. No, you can’t be going to a fast food drive-in.

Greg T
Can I go to McDonalds? No I can’t go to McDonalds.

Dr Fat Loss
No. We’re pulling the toxins out and you know, here’s a funny thing. People say well, you know when I’m done with this, can I go back and eat the way I used to? Well, let me ask you a question. Well, what you used to do before is got you to where you are today.

Greg T
That’s right.

Dr Fat Loss
But talk to me when you’re done because there’s a whole chemical hormonal, there’s a bounce that takes place in the brain, in the body and you get to a level of homeostasis. When you get there you’re healthy because a diabetic that has a high level of sugar is always craving sugar. You reverse somebody or the body has to be reversing it when that patient reverse their diabetes guess what they don’t want 3 4 sugars in a cup of coffee the way I used to drink 3-4 coffees a day.

Greg T
This past weekend. I had to go out and celebrate my dad’s birthday. When the food me to the table I gotta be honest, I could have easily just jumped right on it but why did I want to do that? I would have done that and want to set myself back. I was able to go home put my head down on the pillow and wake up the next morning and know that I didn’t do that to myself.

Dr Fat Loss
I feel good.

Greg T
I felt good that why. I didn’t feel like I had done something wrong.

Dr Fat Loss
Oh my god you can’t sleep because you’re like you’re bloated. Next morning have no energy.

Greg T

Dr Fat Loss
Been there, done that, been there. Horrible.

Greg T:

I absolutely was very proud of myself. Was it a little difficult? I will say yeah because the food was so good But I picked and chose the type of food I wanted to eat when I was there. I could have easily I could have devoured a whole thing of pasta. But what was that gonna do for me set me back. I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to go back.

Dr Fat Loss
And being a patient, you become so educated and doing that. Look at Skeery Jones. I mean, he texted me and say he had a question for me. This is 13 years later, he was in whole foods shopping and he had a vegetable question for me. I mean, this is 13-14 years.

Greg T
I do like that. I’m not trying to use your phone. But I do like that you have that open relationship with people. And I said that to you in the very beginning. I went, so I’m shopping. Dr. Fat Loss is like texting me. I’m texting him back about albacore. We have this relationship now. I can like text you and you were willing to text me back. Like that is astonishing to me that a Doctor is doing that.

Dr Fat Loss
Pretty great. Thank you, I text you right back.

Greg T
The doctor is doing that. I mean, he is literally texting me back. I want you guys that you’re listening right now think about that, which doctor that you have is texting you back when you have a question? Please that’s not happening and you know it.

Dr Fat Loss
You have a phone number?

Greg T
That’s right.

Dr Fat Loss
You have an office number?

Greg T
That’s right.

Dr Fat Loss
And when someone’s physically not in the office, we have 24 hour seven day service. You have an email address and you have my personal number to call or to text me. And we’ve been doing that I will tell you for over 30 years now. It’s like we just started it.

Greg T
No, think about this. Do you want to take a chance with your health…

Dr Fat Loss
With your greatest asset, which is your most important asset. If you’re going to invest money, right? I’m telling you right now invest in yourself.

Greg T
So what do you want? Do you want to go to work with somebody with that doesn’t know what they’re doing and just started or are they “Oh, hey I’ve been doing it for four years.” Okay, big deal. Well, Dr. Fat Loss, has been doing this now for over 30 years. And here’s another ask yourself, how does a doctor stay in business for 30 years? How does he do it with all these other competitors? Somebody’s coming out of it all the time.

Dr Fat Loss
By the way, you’re talking about like how the doctor do this. I just want to share some with you. By the way during the pandemic was one of our busiest years.

Greg T

Dr Fat Loss
It was unbelievable.

Greg T
That’s just surprising.

Dr Fat Loss
And we were predominantly closed.

Greg T
The reason why I’m saying that why that’s surprising.

Dr Fat Loss
Cause we do remote. Now from the pandemic we started to remote. We have patients all over the country. We have patient in other countries.

Greg T
So you can meet with them online?

Dr Fat Loss

Greg T
I like that. That’s cool.

Dr Fat Loss
So we could do a console. we go over their meds. We go over the medical history. We go over their family history and then we get them what’s called the BMI scale. We send them a scale before the full console.

Greg T
So we did that when I came to see you. That’s what we did.

Dr Fat Loss
So we do is we send them in and we go over all their numbers. They have the technology. They have all their numbers, they email to the office, I get it. And we go over BMI, body fat percentage, body fat mass, metabolic age. 

Your metabolism was going 14 years faster in what, 2 weeks?

Dr Fat Loss
I drive over to see Dr. Fat Loss.

Dr Fat Loss
Love it, love it, love it.

Greg T
There I am. I’m smoking my butts. some think this is garbage whenever I go and sit down, and you know what floored me? Tell him how old you say that was the first time you said it was 90 years old.

Dr Fat Loss
I did in the technology said it.

Greg T
I’m sorry.

Dr Fat Loss
And the technology only goes to 90 for the simple fact that in America not the average, the mean average age of someone lives is about 78.

Greg T
Look at that. So when I came back to him 11 days later, he told me I was 76 years old. Now again, you go Oh, wow. 76 I’m still old. But when you go from 90 to 78 in 11 days, please. I mean

Dr Fat Loss
It was mind blowing. When you start you know what’s amazing about the program on by the second day you start seeing weight loss.

Greg T
That’s right.

Dr Fat Loss
And I tell patients, get up in the morning, go to bed and weight yourself every day. You start seeing that weight come off by the second day. You are so excited, you’re motivated. You don’t want to stop.

Greg T
He’s really right. Because that’s what he was telling me. He’s like, You got to start your day when you wake up. You need to go and weight yourself. You’ll be so proud of the weight that you lost. And he’s right. Because every morning I was eager to get out of bed to go see, did I lose two more pounds? Do I lose another pound? How much is more?

Dr Fat Loss
And you’re losing fat.

Greg T
That’s right.

Dr Fat Loss
Not water weight.

Greg T
That’s right. See what we said earlier, Right?

Dr Fat Loss
You’re losing weight on the doctor Fat loss Program, not water weight. All these programs, people do that losing water. So a lot of fat inside cells. Right? You could drink all the water you want. You’re gonna be peeing all that water out. And when you’re peeing a lot more the body stores the fat. Same thing. Why do we have so many diabetics. Everything’s about diabetes, you look at TV commercials diabetes, diabetes management, children, adults. Well you got a lot of fat in your cells when you eat food to turn into sugar. If your cells are full of fat, the sugar can’t get into the cells, where does sugar go? It spills out in your blood, which called blood sugar or diabetes. It’s so important to get rid of visceral fat, but it’s also important to get rid of fat inside the cells.

Greg T
and what do we say? You have to invest in yourself.

Dr Fat Loss
There’s nothing more valuable than your health and well being. It’s life changing man and for me, and it’s not about me, but I will tell you. It’s very fulfilling to the heart when you get up and you have the ability to really help people, you have the ability of changing or even saving somebody’s life, you could change somebody’s life, you’re changing all their life but everyone’s life that’s associated with them. So, to me getting up and what I absolutely love and where my passion is to do everyday is I’m blessed. So I’m blessed and I get to share that with you and your wife and your kids and our listeners.

Greg T
Thank you.

Dr Fat Loss
My family, my friends. It’s just nothing more fulfilling that to my heart than really making different somebody else’s life.

Greg T
Alright, so let’s wrap this whole thing up. Where can somebody find you? Okay, I want them to know. So listen up. All right, this is where you’re going to find Dr. Fat Loss.

Dr Fat Loss
Okay, so you could go to the we have our office number, which is 718-837-3700 or it’s 855-5 DRFATLOSS. Again that’s 855-5 DRFATLOSS. Our website is drfatloss.com. That’s drfatloss.com.

Greg T
And now you have three offices. You’re already located three different places.

Dr Fat Loss

Greg T
It’s easy for people to get to you.

Dr Fat Loss
Brooklyn, North Shore Long Island and the Helmsley building on Park Avenue

Greg T
Helmsley building guys. He’s in the Helmsley building, he’s doing something right.

Dr Fat Loss
and Remote. Remote. I mean.

Greg T
Oh yeah that’s right, that’s key.

Dr Fat Loss
We have a remote program that’s phenomenal. I mean, believe it or not we have tons of patients from New Jersey that don’t want to come in.

Greg T
I really didn’t know. I literally just learned today. I don’t know that you can actually see people remotely, I had no idea.

Dr Fat Loss
You came to the office.

Greg T
Well, look because if I’m gonna go into, I want to see you , I want to be I want to…

Dr Fat Loss
100% but you get the same amazing results. Whether you’re in the office or remotely. You get the same love and attention that you need either way, so if you just come and you just get yourself evaluated and just look at it as a positive thing.

Greg T

Dr Fat Loss
Okay, you start taking action, you start seeing results by the next day. Your life is about to change right in front of your eyes.

Greg T
And I have to tell you, I feel like I’m on one of these commercials. I did it and now you can do it but I have to tell you and I’m laughing at myself. You’re right. You’re absolutely right. I literally left there saying still, Baloney whatever and then all of a sudden here I am in the middle of his program. And I’m really losing weight but that night about five or six days later when Trish literally is laughing at dinner and I’m like what are you laughing at? And she goes I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but you really do look like you’re losing weight. I could see it in your face. Like she literally was laughing because we’ve been married a long time. It’s like we don’t really pay each other compliments but yet here she is sitting there saying you actually look like you’re losing weight. It was very cool. It was cool.

Dr Fat Loss
And that’s cool that it’s only a few days later.

Greg T
Alright, so there it is. So that was another visit in the Greg T’s neighborhood with Dr. Fat Loss. I thank you for stopping by and again this is where you’re gonna find them again one more time phone number go ahead.

Dr Fat Loss
855-5 DrFatLoss

Greg T
There you go.

Dr Fat Loss
Or the website drfatloss.com. It’s drfatloss.com. Have an awesome day.

Greg T
Have an awesome day. That’s how we’re gonna end it. This is Greg T’s neighborhood. Thank you for hanging out. Doctor, tell them….

Dr Fat Loss
Have an awesome day out there.

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